Monday 16 October 2017

Do You Know The Reason Behind The Salutes Of Army, Navy & Air Force ?

A salute (Salaami) is a gesture of Faith; Trust; Respect & Honor among soldiers which uplift & motivate a satisfaction for the entire world. We are sure about our safety & security just because of our Soldiers.
The establishment of Indian Service was on 1st April 1895. Let me give you a surprised behind the salutes of our Tri-services Salutes Forms.

  • Indian Army (Armed Force/Military)
  • Indian Navy
  • Air-Force

  • Indian Army (Armed Force/Military)

In Indian Army, a salute is honored by straight opened palm gesture with the weapon in hand, with fingers and thumb together. Not only it builds trust among the personnel but also our soldiers tell the world that even if they are standing for the country service without weapons, all countrymen can trust on them for the safety & security.   
  • Indian Navy

In Indian Navy, a salute is shown by the palm facing the ground or downward to the forehead, because in old era all navy soldiers are used to work on ships with oils or grease and hands of all sailors get dirty, hard and harsh. So this is the reason they try to hide their hands while saluting. And another reason is- The way ship floats on water smoothly and straight forward, so does salute.

  • Air-Force

In Air Force, a salute is shown as same as Indian Army but later in 2006, there was a change in the salute of Indian Air-Force. Now the new salute is shown by palm at a 45 degree angle towards the sky to convey this message to the world that the Salute is showing the reach towards the sky the way Air-Force Plane flies

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