Monday 27 November 2017

जाने कैसे HELL Word के साथ अपने प्यार का इज़हार करें (Hell - Negative/Pos...

What is HELL ?
Is it an expression or what ?
Many of you have this question in your mind, but today I will tell you the Use of HELL in this Articles.
Hell is an expression of showing anger and affection as well.
For Example
If you want to show your anger generally you can use HELL
Let me share some example, let say you want to show your anger to someone by saying "Go Away"
You can use it with more anger by saying, "Go To Hell"

Here are some Hindi Example:
भाड़ में जाओ
Go To Hell ?
कौन शरारत कर रहा है ?
Who The Hell Is Making Mischief ?
किसने शीशा तोडा ?
Who The Hell Did Break The Mirror ?
इतना शोर कौन मचा रहा था ?
Who The Hell Was Making a Noise ?
तुम यहाँ से कब जा रहे हो ?
When The Hell Are You Going From Here ?
इतना तेज़ हॉर्न कौन बजा रहा है ?

Who The Hell Is Blowing Horn ?
These Kind Of Sentences If You Utter In Anger or In Frustration, You Can Use "HELL" The Way I Taught You

Now, HELL Can Be Used To Show Your Affection Or Positivism Towards Something
For Example :
मैं तुमसे बहुत अधिक प्यार करता हूँ
I Love You Hell Of A Lot
वह तुम्हारी बहुत इज़्ज़त करता है
He Respects You Hell Of A Lot
वो बहुत ईमानदार है
He Is Dead Honest OR He Has Hell Of Honesty
तुम बहुत ज़ादा सोते हो
You Sleep Hell Of A Lot

These Kind Of Sentences If You Utter To Show Your Affection Or Appreciation, You Can Use "HELL" The Way I Taught You
Now, I hope This Article Is Up To Mark For You. To Know More About New & Advance Chapter, Do Subscribe To Our Channels
Gurmeet Saluja - The Guru
Preety Uzlain

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